OUR team is expanding
intersession 2025
SAVE THE DATE: October 27-29, 2025
LOCATION: Coast Hotel & Conference Centre, Canmore, AB
October 24-26, 2023 - First Assembly, Calgary, AB

The Canadian Church Buildings Conversation
As part of CPC’s mission to connect church planting resources across Canada, we have begun a national conversation to think creatively together as we face the unprecedented closure of hundreds of places of Christian worship in our nation. Over the past year, 15+ denominations been thinking together regionally and locally about how to proceed. Throughout 2014-2015, meetings have been held in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and St John. Details of upcoming meetings are below.
To join this conversation at a local, regional or national level (including in order to request presentation materials if you would like to encourage this conversation in your own setting) please contact us.